A Simple and Flexible Testing System for Busy Executives & Professionals
In short, certification enhances leadership skills, transforms cultures, and opens doors! Nikeya Diversity is pleased help you and your team elevate your DEI journey as the CDP® and CDE® are the gold standard in the world. Both the CDP® and CDE® provide assurances to the public, employers and colleagues that the holder has the knowledge, skills and expertise to thrive as DEI leaders.
As part of your investment, the following testing services are included:
- 5 Sample Exams (500 Sample Questions) & Exam Review Sessions
- Take Proctored Online Exams at 600 Testing Centers Around the World, Your Office or Your Home.
- A State-of-the-Art Learning Management System and Certification Testing Platform.
- World-Class 24/7 Technical Support.
Step 1: Applying for Team/Group Credentials Is the Secret to Your Organization’s Success
For DEI certification candidates, the process is relatively simple. First, individuals should apply for an exam. You choose which exam is best based on your professional goals as well as your group/team.
The CDP® credential is designed for individuals who are working with an organization in the beginning stages of their diversity and inclusion journey. It requires at least two (2) years of experience, which can be demonstrated in a variety of different ways.
The CDE® credential is designed for practitioners who support more advanced or global diversity and inclusion efforts. It requires at least five (5) years of experience and a current leadership role, which may not be defined by title. This is ideal for executives and senior leaders who need 21st century global competencies.
Step 2: Planning for On-the-Job Application
Think about what you need to pass the exam, and what you will require to do the job. Every Candidate receives an Exam Review Session. For those taking the exam only, you will receive an online tutorial. Others may need a study guide or formal prep course, which you can obtain from anywhere.
The program does not simply “teach” to pass the test– it teaches practical application for individuals to be successful in executing DEI strategies get consistent, measurable results.
Essentially, it is a business management program that operates as a global framework for recognizing and rewarding high quality, knowledgeable leaders/professionals who strive for excellence in transforming cultures by advancing DEI.
Step 3: Taking the Test
Your application for the program serves as your exam registration. Be sure that the name on your application matches the name on a valid form of ID. This is required in order for you to take the test.
PAN (Performance Assessment Network) provides state-of-the-art, secure internet-based testing and proctored administration at over 600 locations through the world.
In the Learning Management System, you will be able to request the exam link directly to be taken at your office/home or be able to schedule one for the date, time and location of a testing center that works best for you.
Certified Diversity Professional (CDP)® and Certified Diversity Executive (CDE)® are Registered Trademarks of the Institute for Diversity Certification (IDC)®, used under license.